Long Day's Journey into Night

  • Drama
  • Mystery


Luo Hongwu returns to Kaili, the hometown from which he fled many years ago. He begins the search for the woman he loved and whom he has never been able to forget.





  • maketheSWITCH

    Long Days Journey into Night is certain to test the patience of some audiences. It may be too esoteric, too inward, too meditative, perhaps appear too aimless. However, theres was something about it that fascinated me, whether it was the protagonists myth-like search into his physical and metaphysical past (played with weary longing by Jue Huang) or the uncompromising and careful manner of Gan Bis storytelling. The film is much more than its famous set-piece, and at the same time <i>all about</i> that set-piece; a feat of filmmaking that is as impressive as it is dramaturgically vital, where dream and fantasy and longing flow together like a river, one that invites you to step in and float along with it, wherever it takes you.

    • Daniel Lam...
    September 14, 2019
  • Bertaut

    A luminous esoteric puzzle

    Les lieux que nous avons connus n'appartiennent pas qu'au monde de l'espace où nous les situons pour plus de facilité. Ils n'étaient qu'une mince tranche au milieu d'impressions contiguës qui formaient notre vie d'alors; le souvenir d'une certaine image n'est que le regret d'un certain instant; et les maisons, les routes, les avenues, sont fugitives, hélas! comme les années.

    [_The places that we have known belong now only to the little world of space on which we map them for our own convenience. None of them was ever more than a thin slice, held betwe__en the contiguous impressions that composed our life at that time; remembrance of a particular form is but regret for a particular moment; and house...

    January 12, 2020


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