A gritty crime saga which follows the lives of an elite unit of the LA County Sheriff's Dept. and the state's most successful bank robbery crew as the outlaws plan a seemingly impossible heist on the Federal Reserve Bank.
Great Movie! Loved the plot and the twist. Tense throughout. Glimps of The Usual Suspect
All star cast. Must watch
Den of Thieves is a heist/caper film with a running time of 140 minutes. The movie gives tribute to classic crime thriller movies, including Heat (1995) and The usual suspects (1995).
Den of Thieves is the directorial debut of Christian Gudegast, he also co-wrote the script and produced the film. The film features fast paced action sequences. Both the videography and sound of the film were very good. The acting and the plot twist was also good but the film contained some plot holes, some deficiencies in the writing.
Final verdict: 6.5/10
For a movie that's basically just Heat, Heat this ain't.
Final rating:½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didnt quite work as a whole.
I've always wondered why nobody ever thought of pinching the banknotes that were about to be shredded or incinerated and making a killing! Well "Merrimen" (Pablo Schreiber) has alighted on just such a plan - and he aims to relieve the Federal Reserve of $30 million in a daring heist. Unfortunately for him, local cop "Nick" (Gerard Butler) has been following him for an while, and when one of his other would-be raids results in his leaving with nothing but dead policemen in his wake, "Nick" apprehends his suspected associate "Donnie" (O'Shea Jackson Jr), learns of the plan and determines to both thwart it and to apprehend his nemesis. So far, it's all quite interesting and the first half hour is pretty action packed. Thereafter, though, the w...