
  • War
  • Action
  • Adventure

Heroes are ordinary men who do extraordinary things in extraordinary times.

In the midst of World War II, the battle under the sea rages and the Nazis have the upper hand as the Allies are unable to crack their war codes. However, after a wrecked U-boat sends out an SOS signal, the Allies realise this is their chance to seize the 'enigma coding machine'.





  • John Chard

    Can you forgive the film makers their sins?

    Once in a while there comes a time when a film lover has their patience snapped, that we can't surely accept in this instance that poetic license is OK as an excuse purely for Hollywood to make a piece of entertainment. U-571 pretty much rips up the history books for its own ends, something that would see even the film makers themselves bow their heads during the years that followed. However...

    As a drama - cum - thriller, Jonathan Mostow's film is top end. There's some iffy acting in the support slots, but the production is still excellently put together. Suspense down below in the submarine is high anxiety, the tactics of war in the Atlantic superbly written, while the finale face off is ...

    June 23, 2015
  • Geronimo1967

    I usually enjoy submarine movies. Loads of action and precious little romance to clutter up the thing. On that front, this delivers quite well as Matthew McConaughey ("Tyler") and Bill Paxton ("Dahlgren") lead a daring mission to capture the enigma coding machine from an U-Boat. Thanks to a broken down Nazi sub in the middle of the ocean, the initial part of the operation goes surprisingly smoothly, but just at the moment of triumph, well - the rudder comes off. They must now make the best use they can of their captured ship and try to make it home in one piece with their prize. This isn't going to be easy. The torpedo tubes don't work. the thing is held together with chewing gum and willpower and the enemy know that they are out there. If ...

    April 1, 2024


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