The Edge of the World

  • Drama
  • Romance


A way of life is dying on a remote Scottish island, but some of the inhabitants resist evacuating to the mainland.



  • Geronimo1967

    A glimpse of life on a remote island in the outer Hebrides introduces us to two families - the "Manson" and the "Gray". The former is led by the factor "Peter" (John Laurie), the latter by "James" (Finlay Currie). The thrust of the story, though, really centres around the affection his daughter "Ruth" (Belle Chrystall) has for the other man's son "Andrew" (Niall MacGinnis). The two are clearly in love and the island is keenly awaiting their wedding day. Meantime her brother "Robbie" (Eric Berry) has concluded that their subsistence existence cannot survive for long. Sheep, fish, peat and wool keep the island going for now, but for how much longer as the youngsters yearn for more from the big city and civilisation. It's this view that causes...

    December 22, 2023


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