
  • Drama


A bourgeois couple, modern yet conventional. One night by accident, a young prostitute barges into their lives. Hounded down, beaten up, threatened, she will continue to struggle, with the help of a well off lady, first for her survival-her resurrection-then for her dignity and freedom. Stormy encounters for everyone involved.



  • Netflowers

    CHAOS- THE MOVIE. CONTAINS SPOILERS. CHAOS. The best movie I have seen all year!!!, and last year as well. This is why I love movies, why I rent movies because every now and then you come across a gem. This movie reminds me of "DIVA", but it is ten times better the DIVA. It starts with a bang when an Algerian prostitute named Noemie begs for a ride from Paul and his wife Helene as they drive by the scene of her merciless beating at the hands of three pimps. Paul locks the doors and, after the pimps have gone, leaving Noemie unconscious, Paul gets out of the car only to wipe Noemie's blood off the windshield. The story is about Noemie and the other female characters' struggles to find individuality and freedom from under the thumb of the me...

    October 21, 2017


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