
  • Drama
  • Romance
  • Thriller

The story of two women whose friendship suddenly became a matter of life and death.

At the behest of an old and dear friend, playwright Lillian Hellman undertakes a dangerous mission to smuggle funds into Nazi Germany.





  • Geronimo1967

    "Julia" and "Lillian" have been best friends since childhood. Even as time has passed, the two have stayed in touch and remained affectionate. The former (Vanessa Redgrave) has found herself in Germany in the 1930s and is determined to do what she can to thwart the rise of the Nazis - or, at least, to help those in their sights to flee. To that end, she contacts her playwright buddy (Lillian Hellman, who wrote the screenplay based on her own book and played here by Jane Fonda) asking her if she could help move a rather large sum of money into the country for her to fund her ever more dangerous activities. What now ensues has Fred Zinnemann direct a train journey that has just about everyone - especially Miss Fonda - on the edge of their sea...

    March 28, 2023
  • CharlesTatum

    The great filmmaker Fred Zinnemann, in the twilight of his career, proved he could still direct with the best of them. Jane Fonda plays writer Lillian Hellman. Hellman is living a quiet life with her lover, Dashiell Hammett (Jason Robards), as she tries to pound out a play. The duo are a perfect match- hard drinking, hard smoking; Hammett is Hellman's mentor and support. Through Hellman's memories, we see a different side. Hellman was once friends with Julia (Vanessa Redgrave), a passionate and lonely girl who was admired by Hellman. The two have physically lost touch over the years, but still remain close through letters. Finally, Lillian tries to contact Julia. Julia leads Lillian into some pre-World War II anti-Nazi intrigue which tests ...

    September 28, 2023


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