Black Robe

  • Adventure
  • Drama
  • History

In the winter of 1634, an extraordinary man began a perilous journey into the North American wilderness.

Missionary Father LaForgue travels to the New World in hopes of converting Algonquin Indians to Catholicism. Accepted, though warily, by the Indians, LaForgue travels with the Indians using his strict Catholic rules and ideals to try and impose his religion.





  • Geronimo1967

    Regardless of the quality of the production, films like this make me want to throw a brick at the screen! An established culture of Huron living in tandem with nature, turf-warring with their Iroquois neighbours and enduring a largely substance existence are introduced to that most ultimate of plagues. Christianity! It's the eponymous "Laforgue" (Lothaire Bluteau) who is charged by his fellow Jesuits to travel to this remote and beautiful land in order to spread the word. Now, to be fair to this "Black Robe" he is tenacious. It's one hell of an effort - mostly by canoe through some of the most hostile conditions the planet has to offer - as he travels with his companions "Daniel" (Aden Young) and "Annuka" (Sandrine Holt) to the remote home ...

    August 7, 2023


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