Justice League Dark

  • Animation
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Horror
  • Science Fiction

When demons invade our world, the key to justice is in the shadows.

When innocent civilians begin committing unthinkable crimes across Metropolis, Gotham City and beyond, Batman must call upon mystical counterparts to eradicate this demonic threat to the planet; enter Justice League Dark. This team of Dark Arts specialists must unravel the mystery of Earth's supernatural plague and contend with the rising, powerful villainous forces behind the siege—before it's too late for all of mankind.





  • Ruuz

    It's nice to hear Matt Ryan voice Constantine again after his short tenure as the Hellblazer. It's also cool to see the oft-shunned Deadman get some attention, and I'll always give Batman-starring media a chance. But I have not been a fan of DC's more recent animated offerings. I feel they are simply going through the motions, and Justice League Dark is no great exception.

    Final rating: - Had some things that appeal to me, but a poor finished product.

    April 4, 2017


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