Stale late 80s slasher starts kinda goofy, but turns serious
High school students in SoCal go to cheerleading camp in the remote Sequoia National Forest where they tragically start dying one by one. Whos the killer? Will any make it back alive?
"Cheerleader Camp (1988) is a whodunnit slasher that mixes cheerleading antics with elements of the Friday the 13th flicks and The Burning (1981), not to mention Sleepaway Camp (1983). Body Count (1986) also comes to mind.
I had a bad attitude at first because there was some campy humor along the lines of Friday the 13th Part III (1982) and Friday the 13th Part V (1985), mostly revolving around the overweight character and the female camp director, not to mention the Englund-like Handy...