Crocodile Dundee II

  • Adventure
  • Comedy

The world's favorite adventurer is back for more. Much more!

Australian outback expert protects his New York love from gangsters who've followed her down under.





  • John Chard

    The Crocodile Who Walks Like a Man.

    After the coinage and all round good will generated by the first Crocodile Dundee movie, the sequel was inevitable. This time the formula is reversed as Mick Dundee (Paul Hogan) is forced to take his lady, Sue Charlton (Linda Kozlowski), back to the wilds of Australia in order to protect her from gangsters. There, Mick, with all his Outback skills, starts to pick the gangsters off one by one.

    Nah. I don't need a gun. I got a Donk!

    Within the plot structure there are numerous occasions for Dundee inspired jokes and scenarios, where although they are not as strong as in the first movie, they are amusing and not straining for the laugh factor. The genuine chemistry between real life couple Hogan and...

    September 26, 2014
  • talisencrw

    I remember enjoying the film's star Paul Hogan's commercials for 'Foster's Lager', on television back in the day, when I was growing up. His identification with Australia, and the outback, made him original and gave him worldwide fame. Though I never bothered with the much-more esteemed original, which came from nowhere and captured the imagination of filmgoers worldwide, this was charming and likeable despite its unimportance and relative inanity. The small barrel of jokes wear thin after a while, and the magic ran out as it did for the 'Romancing the Stone' sequel, 'The Jewel of the Nile', not much earlier, or more recently, the insipid retread of 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding'. Their decent attempt to capture lightning in a bottle unfortunat...

    May 14, 2016
  • Wuchak

    Mick & Sue vie with Columbian drug lords in New York City and, then, the Outback

    Sue (Linda Kozlowski) inadvertently obtains evidence against two Central American brothers who are drug moguls with offices in New York City. To protect Sue, Mick (Paul Hogan) takes her to his vast property in the Outback, but the gangsters follow them with murder on their minds.

    This sequel does precisely what a good sequel should do: Carry on the story, go deeper with the characters and keep the spirit of the original. Crocodile Dundee II (1988) cost $6 million more than the original 1986 movie and runs 11 minutes longer. It was a hit at the box office, albeit nowhere near as successful as the first film. Both movies effectively combine three genr...

    January 28, 2019


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