Kiss the Girls

  • Thriller
  • Crime
  • Mystery
  • Drama

Smart girls. Pretty girls. Missing girls.

Forensic psychologist and detective Alex Cross travels to North Carolina and teams with escaped kidnap victim Kate McTiernan to hunt down "Casanova," a serial killer who abducts strong-willed women and forces them to submit to his demands. The trail leads to Los Angeles, where the duo discovers that the psychopath may not be working alone.





  • Wuchak

    Starts good and becomes increasingly farfetched

    A serial killer is loose in Durham, North Carolina, whos actually a serial collector of young women. Forensic psychologist Alex Cross (Morgan Freeman) ventures down from D.C. to assist in the investigation since his niece is one of the victims. He eventually teams-up with a surgeon who escaped the perpetrators lair (Ashley Judd). Cary Elwes and Tony Goldwyn are also on hand.

    Kiss the Girls (1997) is a detective thriller in the mold of Silence of the Lambs (1991) with some Se7en (1995) and a dash of Scream (1996), but less gruesome and therefore presumably more palatable to a larger audience. What I appreciate most about this flick is the lush nighttime sylvan cinematography. The ...

    June 19, 2020
  • Geronimo1967

    Morgan Freeman is quite effective here in this adaptation of James Patterson's novel about the kidnap of the niece of this police psychologist/detective. Racing to her North Carolina school, "Cross" discovers pretty quickly that she is likely to be the latest in a line of youngsters abused and killed at the hands of the so-called "Casanova"! Fortunately, one of his would be victims - "Kate" (Ashley Judd) - manages to escape her captivity, and with "Cross" and time very much against them, tries to track down this murderer. It stays fairly faithful to the book and that's maybe why it doesn't quite work. The narrative is really rather dry, the dialogue all a bit too wordy and though the subject matter is quite disturbing, there isn't a great d...

    September 7, 2022
  • SoSmooth1982

    Not that bad of a movie. Gets involved in a sex ring. Alex Cross has to figure out if she a victim or a participant.

    July 7, 2023
  • JPV852

    Watched this one again last night and still holds up as a solid 1990s crime-thriller based on the James Patterson novel with a great cast headlined by Morgan Freeman and Ashley Judd as well as Cary Elwes, Tony Goldwyn, Brian Cox, Jay O. Sanders and Jeremy Piven. 3.75/5

    September 18, 2023


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