Under the Silver Lake

  • Crime
  • Drama
  • Mystery

What are they hiding?

Young and disenchanted Sam meets a mysterious and beautiful woman who's swimming in his building's pool one night. When she suddenly vanishes the next morning, Sam embarks on a surreal quest across Los Angeles to decode the secret behind her disappearance, leading him into the murkiest depths of mystery, scandal and conspiracy.





  • Ruuz

    Relatable? Hell no. But a little bit of weirdness helps the medicine go down and Under the Silver Lake is a fine sort of movie to just let happen. The performances are decent, and sure, there's a lot of wank happening here, but some originality too, and that goes a long way.

    Final rating: - I liked it. Would personally recommend you give it a go.

    January 20, 2019
  • Tector_lives

    I loved It Follows and I'm loving this.

    The collaboration between Mitchell and Disasterpeace is fantastic once again. (This is what an impressionistic soundtrack sounds like Mr Nolan). Visually it is very stimulating without smacking you about the face with technique.

    Might not be for everybody. I imagine it might hit too close to home for a lot of young men aged between 22 and 35.

    If it appears that the movie concerns itself with a flimsy predicament enhanced by arguably shallow pop culture aspects then that's because it's precisely what a significant proportion of the male population, like the main character,(played by Andrew Garfield who is superb too) preoccupy themselves with. "It's as common as tits and hamburgers."


    June 14, 2019
  • Bertaut

    Just like Mulholland Drive. Except really, really, really awful

    I got sent the script for Under The Silver Lake and it was as mind-bending in word, as it was, in deed, as it were. It was 160-odd pages, which is about 30 or 40 pages more than the usual script, and it was like as if Sean Astin's character, Mikey, from The Goonies is far too old to still be going on adventures, but he still wants to. But now he's in a David Lynch film that's set in a Los Angeles that's like the antithesis of the La La Land _Los Angeles. The deep, dark underbelly of L.A. And I read it and I just th__ought, this is totally marvellous and totally unique, and it's very, very rare that you get a unique piece of cinema in this day and age. I thought,...

    August 6, 2019


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