
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Thriller

Think on your sins.

When Bond's latest assignment goes gravely wrong, agents around the world are exposed and MI6 headquarters is attacked. While M faces challenges to her authority and position from Gareth Mallory, the new Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee, it's up to Bond, aided only by field agent Eve, to locate the mastermind behind the attack.





  • travisbell

    Skyfall was a solid movie in its own right but as a Bond movie, it was one of my all time favourites. Unlike Quantum of Solace, I felt like they actually took the time to tell this story and the pay off was worth it.

    Something I found interesting is the idea about Bond getting old and how the job of an MI6 agent is not something you can do forever. It makes me wonder if they might explore some of these themes in the next movie.

    It's true that the last 1/3 of Skyfall didn't feel like a Bond movie at all and I think that's why I loved it. The Daniel Craig Bond movies have always taken a different look at James Bond and Skyfall was no exception.

    Like I said, great movie. Execution on all accounts were solid like you'd expect. I hope Mendes gets a chance to do the next film.

    December 5, 2012
  • GeekMasher

    Skyfall is a great movie. In my opinion the best proformas by Daniel Craig I have see in all his Bond movies. The title song was not to my taste like in previous movies. The story line is one of the most compelling I have seen in a while. Silva, played by Javier Bardem was excellent and he played him very well. All in all a very good movie.

    March 15, 2013
  • brekkil

    Bond (Daniel Craig) is on another (important) mission somewhere in the big world, this time on the heels of someone who has stolen a hard drive with all the names of the British agents who work for MI6. On the mission, Mr. Bond is shot by one of his own (an agent named Eve, played by Naomie Harris) and presumed dead. However, Bond is not dead, and when he resurfaces, he jumps right into the game in the pursuit of an old agent called Silva (Javier Bardem), an old favorite of M (Judi Dench).

    While Bond is out in the world, M discovers that someone, presumably Silva, has hacked their computers and threats to expose the true names of the British agents. However, it is also clear that the enemy has other plans, plans of terrorism. Bond is now...

    December 29, 2014
  • John Chard

    How safe do you feel?

    Bond 23 and 007 has to literally come back from the dead when a stolen hard-drive makes M (Dench) look bad at a time when a face from her past comes homing into blood thirsty view.

    There is one sure fire fact in cinema that nobody can dispute, that of there never ever being a James Bond film that all Bondphiles will agree on. From each corner of the spectrum will come arguments that said Bond film is not gritty enough, not fun enough, not enough sex, not enough action, not enough fantastical stunts and etc etc etc. Well that's fine of course, we all have our peccadilloes we prefer in our Bond movies, but we do live in different times now, the world has changed, and so has Bond. You may not get the ultimate Bond ...

    February 19, 2017
  • Dark Jedi

    Me and my oldest son have been doing a bit of pseudo binge watching of James Bond. Every weekend we have been watching two of the movies starting with Dr. No quite a few weekends ago. Last weekend we arrived at the Daniel Craig ones. I had actually not watched those ones before. I have to, grudgingly (I am a Sean Connery fan), admit that the first two we watched were not at all bad.

    However, today we watched Skyfall. What the f? This is not a James Bond movie! If it had been just some other movie I would probably have thought it would not be a too bad one. However, it pretends to be a James Bond movie and as such it is utter crap. It is a bloody Hollywood drama written by someone with a total lack of respect for the Franchise, not to men...

    March 19, 2018
  • JPV852

    Great theme song and a much more balanced movie compared to Quantum of Solace, and the story is well written, revealing Bond's background and the motherly relationship with M (contrast with a more antagonistic portrayal in the Brosnan series). Javier Bardem as the villain was fantastic, almost Joker like in his planning. The only setback is the finale, sure some nice action and explosions but not quite as thrilling versus Casino Royale. Still, one of the better in the Bond series overall. 4.0/5

    April 16, 2020
  • Wuchak

    Can you go home again?

    After 007 (Daniel Craig) is thought dead-in-action in Turkey, the computer of M (Judi Dench) is hacked and theres an attack on the MI6 headquarters in London. M & Bond suspect its an inside job, which leads James to Shanghai, Macao and a mysterious island off the coast of China, then back to London. Bond has to find sanctuary for M, but you know what they say about going home again? Javier Bardem plays a heavy and Ralph Fiennes an MI6 official.

    Skyfall (2012) thankfully includes the character depth of Casino Royale (2006) and fixes the confusing 4 clips-per-second action of Quantum of Solace (2008). Dont get me wrong, Quantum can be appreciated as the action-oriented second half of Casino Royale, but its e...

    May 31, 2021
  • msbreviews


    "Skyfall is not only the entry that this James Bond saga needed, but it's my favorite movie of the Daniel Craig Era. From the exceptionally intriguing narrative filled with shocking developments to Javier Bardem's terrifying portrayal of a fascinating antagonist, Sam Mendes offers his remarkable directing skills to create a film worthy of much praise.

    The GOAT of cinematography, Roger Deakins, makes every inch of the screen drip cinematic beauty with eyegasmic wide shots and mind-blowing lighting, making this the best-looking Bond flick ever. Technically, it's challenging to find elements less than simply perfect.

    Phenomenal acting all-a...

    September 28, 2021
  • Geronimo1967

    Ok, first things first. "Skyfall" and "crumble" do not rhyme. Sorry Adele, but they don't! Luckily, the rest of this story is almost as good as "Casino Royale" (2006). Daniel Craig reprises his role as "007", this time charged with thwarting a dastardly plan by the enigmatic "Silva" to avenge himself on none other than "M" (Dame Judi Dench) herself. He has managed to successfully infiltrate just about every system MI6 has and obtain a list of agents the world over. When he starts publishing these names, and the body count starts to rise, it falls to "Bond" to engage with his clever and malevolent foe. Bardem is effective as the baddie here. He has a certain, almost menacing, effeteness as he quite literally toys with his quarry. Loads of ga...

    September 19, 2022
  • mooney240

    Skyfall understands, admires, and elevates Bond to excellence and mastery to an unexpected level and unmatched by its predecessors.

    Skyfall is The Dark Knight of Daniel Craigs James Bond films. Sam Mendes took all Casino Royale had built and elevated it to heights never before reached by Bond. Everything fires perfectly on all cylinders. The story is rich and delves further into the character of a bond than ever before. The action set pieces, the locales, and the cinematography are all masterpieces that establish Skyfall as an excellent James Bond film but take it further, placing it among the best movies of all time. Judi Denchs performance as M cements her legacy as a Bond great. And the excellent supporting cast grows with the bri...

    October 21, 2022
  • GenerationofSwine

    By the time Skyfall dropped my hatred of Craig Era Bond was pretty solidified. I started to realize that this was going to be the Bond that hated being Bond. That Bond was going to go down a dark hole that I was really going to loath.

    But... Javier Bardem really nailed it didn't he?

    Javier Bardem nailed it. Judi Dench had her best showing as M... ever, in fact it was so good that it kind of made you made she was relegated to a side character in all the other Bond movies.

    And the story was great... it was so great that Disneyer ripped off huge chunks of it when they made Black Panther.

    By 2012 you got the feeling that Sony was going to take the 007 down a dark and evil rabbit hole that would destroy the Franchise, but Skyfall sti...

    January 11, 2023
  • drystyx

    Keeping the Bond series down. Poor Daniel Craig isn't at fault for these totally uninspired, unmotivated stories he appears in. Maybe his agent is at fault. But while Craig makes money, his memory will be forgotten in a hundred years, if these 007 fiascos are his high points. They probably won't be his high points. Good for him. Here, we get more of the modern day movie making which eliminates all the exotic scenery and all the wit and all the inspiration and all the motivation. Instead, we get another demigod villain on the order of horror movies. He may as well be Freddy, Jason, or Wishmaster. That's how he's written. So, we have the worst Bond villain in movie history. Certainly, he's the most Hollywood. Which makes this as dull ...

    April 18, 2023


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