RELEASED IN 2015 and directed by Anne K. Black, "Mythica: The Darkspore" is the second film in the five-film fantasy/adventure series about a limping servant girl with blossoming magical powers named Merek (Melanie Stone), who teams-up with a heroic warrior, Thane (Adam Johnson), a miscreant lothario, Dagen (Jake Stormoen), a priestess, Teela (Nicola Posener), and a hunky elf, Qole (Rocky Myers), for a journey to obtain all the shards of the Darkspore to keep it from the diabolical Szorlok (Matthew Mercer). Kevin Sorbo has a cameo.
The story takes place in an adventurous Medieval-like world where sorcery, elves, orcs, dragons and other fantasy creatures are real. If you like The Lord of the Rings, D&D, Warcraft, Conan or Sinbad youll pro...