I can just imagine the scene down the boozer. Danny Dyer and his pal Tamer Hassan are a bit bored and they think - "Hey, let's make another movie. It can be a cheap and cheerful film noir type thing and we can get our mates to join in"... "Great idea - I'll ask Ash, Phil D is probably around and I don't think Brenda is filming "Vera" just now so I'll drop her a text"... Next thing, and a few grand better off from a nearby beetle drive for the budget, off they go to make this. The story? Well, Tamer fancied being "Nick" who owes a loan shark £100k. Unless his debt is paid back pronto, his poor old ma (Brenda Blethyn) will get bumped off by the elderly, prone-to-napping, enforcer that is Phil Daniels. How, though? Well, he partners with best ...