Frank Ochieng
Now who would think that the kiddie-inspired, Science Fiction post-apocalyptic Turbo Kid could motivate ones appetite for nostalgic cheese-ridden action yarns? Well, the directing/writing trio of Francois Simard, Yoann-Karl Wissell and Anouk Wissell deliver the devilish gaudy goods in this frolicking futuristic fantasy that begs for audiences to reminisce about such off-beat and clichéd guilty pleasures that are so goofy-minded and gory but infectiously high-spirited for ones disturbed liking.
Instinctively, Turbo Kid looks to shrewdly ridicule the jolting junk cinema with its homage to such trashy treasures ranging from the lopsided likes of gems The New Barbarians and 2019, After The Fall Of New York to even saluting high-minded 80s r...