The Crowd

  • Drama
  • Romance


John, an ambitious but undisciplined New York City office worker, meets and marries Mary. They start a family, struggle to cope with marital stress, financial setbacks, and tragedy, all while lost amid the anonymous, pitiless throngs of the big city.





  • Geronimo1967

    Ha! Talk about "Stop the world I want to get off". Well that's how "John" (James Murray) feels for a fair chunk of this intimate observational drama about his relationship with his wife "Mary" (Eleanor Boardman). They meet, fall in love, start a family - all is going great guns until a tragedy strikes the pair. "Mary" proves a little more robust following this fairly gut-wrenching event; he really struggles. He quits his job with an insurance company and spends the next few months in and out of work. It's not that he is lazy, or incapable - it's that he feels useless, worthless and a bit of a burden. He considers that he has failed in one of his fundamental duties and no amount of consoling or family rallying round seems to be able to shake...

    March 24, 2024


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