
  • Drama
  • Action
  • War
  • Romance

Youth, hitting the clouds! Laughing at danger! Fighting, loving, dodging death! That's "WINGS"

Two young men, one rich, one middle class, both in love with the same woman, become US Air Corps fighter pilots and, eventually, heroic flying aces during World War I. Devoted best friends, their mutual love of the girl eventually threatens their bond. Meanwhile, a hometown girl who's the lovestruck lifelong next door neighbor of one of them pines away.





  • Geronimo1967

    OK, so the initial story is all a bit of well trammelled soap. "Jack" (Buddy Rogers) and "David" (Richard Arlen) come from different sides of the streets - but they both fall in love with "Sylvia" (Jobyna Ralston). She probably prefers the latter, wealthier man, but plays both along whilst the former's neighbour "Mary" is deeply enamoured with him even if her affections go unreturned. Things change tack rather, though, when the US Army Air Service needs their flying skills during the Great war in France so off they go to face the legendary fighter aces of the Bosch. There's no love lost between those two romantic rivals but gradually the constant dangers and streams of bullets whizzing by their heads each day, wear down this antipathy and s...

    June 18, 2023


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