Deepwater Horizon

  • Drama
  • Action

When faced with our darkest hour, hope is not a tactic.

A story set on the offshore drilling rig Deepwater Horizon, which exploded during April 2010 and created the worst oil spill in U.S. history.





  • Dark Jedi

    As expected this is a bit of a propaganda movie against BP but that was of course rather expected. It is still watchable. The dramatization is fairly well done and the effects are believable as well as enjoyable. If you watch it as a disaster drama and special effects movie it is definitely okay.

    As a documentary, well I would say that it falls short. The movie only covers the initial explosion. Once the platform is evacuated the movie stops. I am somewhat disappointed at that. I would at least have liked to see the attempts to put out the fire. Where are the scenes with the boats trying to douse the rig with water for instance?

    I would also have liked the film to cover the attempts to close the well, the technical challenges involved...

    March 3, 2017
  • Rangan

    To remind us our errors and limits.

    It was a surprising film. Because it was based on a real event, but there's nothing much about heroism which is essential for most of this kind of film and its success to inspire the viewers. I liked that. They just wanted to tell the story. Not to create a hero nor a villain. But due to the casting, Mark Wahlberg looks the centre of the story. And also points out a negative character without confirming anything properly. But if the film is depicting the real incident correctly, then it was no man's fault. It should be a technical error that led to the man's push over the limit.

    It's April 20 2010 about 60 kms away southern coast of the US in the Gulf of Mexico. A new batch arrives to continue d...

    March 16, 2017
  • FilipeManuelNeto

    Very well-balanced, the film does not tire us and provides good entertainment.

    Disaster and accident films are common, although I feel that, for the last ten years, this has been an underexplored genre. The film is based on a true incident where a massive oil drilling rig suffered critical safety failures, eventually catching fire and collapsing. After investigations, the inadequate operation of a team that was supposed to place a cement lining in the hole opened by the platform was responsible for what happened, as well as the lack of maintenance of the equipment, all situations that would have been avoided if the company contracting the platform, BP, had really been less avaricious in relation to the costs and delays of the underta...

    November 18, 2022


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