Tudor Rose

  • Drama
  • History

They gave her a Perfect Lover, then Plotted her Excecution. A Romance which Out-Triumphed the Most Terrible Crime in History

The tragic story of Lady Jane Grey, the young queen who reigned in England for nine days before she was executed.



  • Geronimo1967

    Nova Pilbeam draws the short straw in this interesting, if not exactly enthralling, depiction of the power-struggles that followed the death of Henry VIII in England. Edward VI (a rather lively performance from the 17 year old Desmond Tester) is not the healthiest of young men, and those in his council - initially led by Edward Seymour (Felix Aylmer) then by the Earl of Warwick (Sir Cedric Hardwicke) try to manipulate the succession. The latter prevails and upon the untimely death of the young king, he places the Lady Jane Grey - whom Henry VIII directed be 4th in the line of his own succession (she was his great niece) - ahead of the Princesses Mary and Elizabeth and so she is now, reluctantly, the Queen. To cement her precarious position ...

    June 19, 2022


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