Jeepers Creepers 2

  • Horror
  • Thriller

He can taste your fear.

When their bus is crippled on the side of a deserted road, a team of high school athletes discover an opponent they cannot defeat – and may not survive.





  • VolcanoAl

    I loved the way this & the original were both the same " feeding".The end was great as the old man waited with his harpoon/pole puncher in his rocking chair.Waiting for his next awakening. The car scene & his smile made him a great like Jason or Freddie.The new one is a great idea.23 yr.s for 23 days he feasts.It's about time!!!

    July 27, 2013
  • John Chard

    We are trapped in a broken down school bus out on East 9. And something is going to kill us if we don't get help out here right away!

    Plot finds the demon known as The Creeper (Jonathan Breck), still having a little time left for feeding and harvesting human parts before his 23 year hibernation. A buffet bar of high school kids on a bus returning from a basketball match are now in his sights. But an avenging father played by Ray Wise is willing to take the fight to the monster.

    It's a simple as it sounds, really. Creeper picks off various members of the bus, which is the usual array of annoyingly obnoxious teenagers. The tension comes from wondering who is next in line, all while the fractured group (racial/sexuality tensions) try to...

    October 11, 2015
  • Ruuz

    A most prime example of how to refute the bigger is better adage. Not because its smaller and better, but because its bigger and shithouse.

    Final rating: ½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid if possible.

    December 10, 2017
  • Wuchak

    On its final day, the Creeper attacks a school bus full of basketball personnel

    A basketball team and a few cheerleaders are returning home from a game 30 miles south of Bakersfield, California, when their bus is sabotaged in the countryside by some thing with wings.

    "Jeepers Creepers 2" (2003) is the best of the trilogy with the highlight being the creative and creepy monster, called the Creeper, which is reminiscent of the chief gargoyle in Gargoyles (1972), but more demonic and wholly evil. This is basically a confined location horror flick with the setting being the remote golden fields of Southern Cal (and the school bus).

    The first film (2001) was hindered by its limited cast while this one tries to make up for it with...

    April 28, 2019


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