"Winnie" is having an amble when he finds a fir cone. He drops it into the river - inadvertently discovering the game of "Pooh Sticks" - and is soon playing with his friends "Rabbit", "Piglet" and "Roo". Their game is disrupted by a large floating object - and that turns out to be the glass-half-empty character that is "Eeyore". What's he doing in the river? Seems he was "bounced" into it - and there can only be one culprit for that. "Tigger" denies all knowledge but a bit of intervention from the narrator proves who did what and reminds us that it's also the gloomy donkey's birthday! Quickly they decide that they have to get him some gifts - but what chance "Pooh" is actually ever going to remember his task. "Owl" might be able to help out...