
  • Family
  • Mystery


A series of mysterious events and the pestering motor gang 'The Red Vampires' turns the idyllic holiday of Blinker and his friends into a thrilling adventure.



      • danfritz

        This movie entertained me a lot as a kid, after reading the book you notice they stayed close to the book, Aldo some things are less talked trough or not used as much as in the book. Deu to the unexpirienced actors(the teenagers) are good, especially for a first performance,they're not stunning, but believable. The parents, grandmother, old friendly lady, the 'seem to be' bad guy and weird sister, are quite stereotypes, but further the main character(the boys, Blinker, Mats & Jonas, and the girls, Nelle and Vicky) are good, and believable, also they're not stereotypical and all they have a real character, different storyline's all surounding around Blinker, who is the hero in the story. the friendships are also believable, and the love rela...

        September 1, 2013
