Ministry of Fear

  • Mystery
  • Thriller

Thrilling drama of the Invisible Network of Terror!

Stephen Neale is released into WWII England after two years in an asylum, but it doesn't seem so sane outside either. On his way back to London to rejoin civilization, he stumbles across a murderous spy ring and doesn't quite know to whom to turn.





  • John Chard

    Innocent? Prove it!

    Warning: Spoilers

    Ministry Of Fear is directed by Fritz Lang & is adapted for the screen by Seton I. Miller from the Graham Greene novel "The Ministry Of Fear." It stars Ray Milland as Stephen Neale, an ex-insane asylum inmate who is released after a two year sentence for what was allegedly the "mercy" killing of his incurably ill wife. Upon his release Neale buys his train ticket to London but is drawn to a fête being held near the rail station. From here, after a bizarre encounter with a fortune teller and a go at a "guess the weight of the cake" booth, he is thrust into a world of espionage; a world that sees him now have the Nazis on his tail.

    The film opens with a ticking clock, the seconds counting d...

    January 5, 2019
  • Geronimo1967

    Ray Milland is "Stephen Neale" who has recently been released from a psychiatric hospital. On his way back to London he stops off at a village fête where he guesses the weight of a cake correctly - and so has to lug it back on the train with him. When he shares it with a fellow passenger who proceeds to steal the thing, he guesses that there is more to it than just sponge and jam! His subsequent investigations lead him into the midst of a Nazi spy ring which he tries to thwart. Fritz Lang delivers quite a gripping story which Milland holds largely en seul - with a little help from Marjorie Reynolds as "Carla" - and there is just about enough suspense, and guesswork from us required, to sustain it for an hour and a half.

    June 30, 2022


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