Enigma is a complex espionage thriller with a few twists and turns. The CIA find out that the Soviets plan to kill 5 defectors on Christmas Day.
They get former defector, Holbeck (Martin Sheen) to infiltrate East Berlin to steal the scrambler of the Enigma machine used by the Soviets for communication.
However both the KGB and the East German government are on to Holbeck who meets his former associates and former lover Karen Reinhardt (Brigitte Fossey) to help him with him task.
KGB agent Dimitri Vasilikov (Sam Neill) is seduced by Reinhardt and it seems there is a genuine attraction between the two. On the other hand the CIA have been using Holbeck.
It is a well made thriller which gets better as it goes on. It can be hard to follow and lumpy in places.