Dead Are Countless

  • Western


Johnny was mentally traumatised when he witnessed as a child the killing of his father (a deserter) by a group of soldiers. As an adult he randomly kills every soldier he gets hold of, so that the army sends out the brutish Lieutenant Garringo to stop Johnny.




  • John Chard

    Under a blood red sky!

    Garringo is directed by Rafael Romero Marchent and Marchent co- writes the screenplay with Giovanni Scolaro. It stars Anthony Steffen, Peter Lee Lawrence, Solvi Stubbing, Jose Bodalo and Raf Baldassarre. Music is by Marcello Giombini and cinematography by Aldo Ricci.

    Johnny as a very young boy witnesses the murder of his father by a soldier, he grows up to be a double life leading killer of soldiers. Enter a man to hunt him down, Lieutenant Garringo.

    This Is Bells City - You Better Return If You Don't Hear It.

    A most interesting Pasta Western because although the narrative doesn't have ambitions to expand thematically, there's psychological depth to the principal bad boy. He's scarred by the murder of his ...

    July 15, 2017


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