Lisa Frankenstein

  • Comedy
  • Horror
  • Romance

If you can't meet your perfect boyfriend…make him.

In 1989, a misunderstood teenager has a high school crush — who just happens to be a handsome corpse! After a set of playfully horrific circumstances bring him back to life, the two embark on a murderous journey to find love, happiness…and a few missing body parts along the way.





  • msbreviews


    "Lisa Frankenstein marks my first disappointment of the year.

    The youthful cast wholeheartedly embraces their campy roles, infusing deliberately exaggerated emotions and expressiveness for an evening of light entertainment with the promised levels of blood and 'macabreness'.

    Sadly, the screenplay lacks the same commitment to the absurd, resulting in tonal and thematic inconsistencies throughout a narrative less imaginative than anticipated. The ensuing indifference and uncertainty regarding the film's point and message leave a bittersweet taste..."

    Rating: C

    February 7, 2024
  • BornKnight

    Horror-Comedy (not the opposite) directed by Zelda Willians in her full feature film, and written by Diablo Cody (Juno, Jennifer's Body) that tells the story of a grief stricken teenager who had her mother slaughtered, and lives now with an abusive mother-in-law and a lovely sister-in-law.

    Kathryn Newton as Lisa is perfect for her role.

    Stigmatized by her past and actions the is the black swan of the school, and passes a lot of time in a old cemetery (watch the credits animation closely) of the 19th century on a tomb of another teenager that died with a green lighting into 1837.

    The movie emulates the 80's teenage romance-comedies (it passes in 89), in a light way till a certain previsible point - for sure it isn't as sugary as you...

    March 2, 2024
  • Geronimo1967

    "Lisa" (Kathryn Newton) is a bit of a loner who lives in one of those second families where her rather feeble dad (Joe Chrest) has married the rather vain and odious "Janet" (Carla Gugino) who has a friendly daughter "Taffy" (Liza Soberano). At school, she has taken a shine to floppy-haired heart-throb "Michael" (Henry Einkenberry) and he seems to be a little interested too. Might romance blossom? Suddenly a lightening strike changes everything. The long-dead occupant of a grave she habitually sits beside when she is reading (Cole Sprouse) is electronically reinvigorated and finds his way into her home, her wardrobe and now, as with "ET", she has her own secret creature in the closet. Thing is, there are bits of her new friend missing - his...

    March 4, 2024
  • r96sk

    There are glimpses of goodness, though so short they don't hide the film's frailties.

    'Lisa Frankenstein' is, in my opinion, a disappointment. I can kinda see what they were going for and at times I could appreciate it, but all in all it doesn't really work for me. I will say the pacing isn't actually that bad, the film went by relatively quickly. The two big weaknesses to me were the dialogue and simply the story in general, both are rather quite dull... if they weren't, I may have enjoyed this.

    The cast are one of the film's more positive features. I like Kathryn Newton, I remember thinking she was great in the similarly underwhelming '<a href="" rel="nofollow">Freaky</a>' from 2020, and she does t...

    March 8, 2024


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