'Summer' is better than 'Spring', who knew?
I've finally got around to checking out the sequels to that latter 1969/1970 movie, which is an Estonian picture I watched three months (time flies!) ago as part of my '<a href="https://letterboxd.com/r96sk/list/around-the-world-in-1261-days/" rel="nofollow">Around the World in 1261 Days</a>' personal challenge (gonna need to rework that number, failing miserably in getting countries ticked off lately!). I didn't overly like the original, though this inaugural follow-up is good.
It's cool to see the actors all grown up compared to their showings as children six years prior, I love that all the key peeps reprised their respective roles (albeit minorly for previous lead Arno Liiver). I found m...