The G

  • Drama
  • Thriller


After a corrupt legal guardian puts her in a care home in order to take her property, a mysterious older woman seeks vengeance with the help of her granddaughter, who calls her 'The G'.




  • Geronimo1967

    From the look of the posters, this ought to be a film about a Polish gangster! Instead, it's about the curmudgeonly, vodka-swilling, "Ann" (Dale Dickey). It's really only her grand-daughter "Emma" (Romane Denis) who takes any interest in her as she goes through life with her incapacitated husband "Chip". Asleep one night, their home is invaded by people armed with a court order that puts them into a legally binding guardianship arrangement. This basically says that they are incapable of managing their own affairs and have to have someone else take control. Nobody asked anyone to do this, nor did the couple know of the court proceedings supporting it. It was all down to a dodgy doctor on the payroll of "Rivera" (Bruce Ramsay) who had his eye...

    June 22, 2024


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