New Alcatraz

  • Science Fiction
  • Horror
  • Action

100 Feet of Prehistoric Terror

Paleontologist Robert Trenton is called to Northeastern Antarctica near the Indian Ocean to help the FBI build an underground maximum-security military base and prison for the world's most dangerous criminals and terrorists, which is dubbed "New Alcatrax" by the staff. While building the prison, the staff accidentally awaken and unleash a prehistoric Boa Constrictor from its 200 year hibernation.




  • yoshikagekira1999

    Boa, alternatively known as New Alcatraz, is a giant killer snake monster movie from 2002. But More importantly, OH MY GOD IS THAT SUPERMAN!?! Just kidding, but we need more Dean Cain in movies and shows. Dean Cain is great in this movie, best actor in this movie. The CGI graphics felt like I was playing a PS2 game so it at least has nostalgia on its side. The set is really nice the prison reminds me of some 90s sci fi like Aliens, Starship Troopers, or Babylon 5 or something like that. The control/security room is very cool looking too!

    The Government of this world is very proactive they will arrest and imprison you if you even think of buying nuclear weapons, harsh! The IRA is even here in the prison, and blackhat hackers. I bet if thi...

    March 18, 2022


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