Skin Deep

  • Drama
  • Romance


At first glance, Leyla and Tristan are a happy couple. When they travel to a mysterious island, a game of identities begins that changes everything – their perception, their sexuality, their entire selves. But not only their relationship threatens to break up. They may even never be who they used to be again…





      • Geronimo1967

        The start of this film reminded me a little of "Midsommar" (2019) as "Leyla" (Mala Emde) and loving boyfriend "Tristan" (Jonas Dassler) arrive on a remote island where she knows the elder. Initially, it has the feeling of a kibbutz to it - they all sit around drinking and chatting, and meet "Mo" (Dimitrij Schaad) and "Fabienne" (Matyam Zaree) then we discover the true purpose of their stay. They can swap identities. Essentially, by walking through a pool of waster they can transfer their essence from one body to another. What now ensues are permutations of relationships between the four characters that challenge their own feelings for each other as well as their sexualities and the strength of their affections and of their own character. It...

        March 29, 2023
