
  • Drama
  • Action & Adventure
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy




  • GenerationofSwine

    Oh, the culture war strikes again.

    Tell me exactly how it's "racist" to point out that the only costume that had any money behind it was Nightwings? What exactly is not woke about that?

    Honestly I got my nephew a cheap plastic cyborg costume that looks like the one on this mess, and he looks slightly better than everyone not in the greater Bat family.

    Don't even get me started on the wigs and street walking suits.

    If you aren't doing it better than Power Rangers don't do it at all.

    January 13, 2023
  • misubisu

    Tedious, drawn-out... and not at all interesting. The 1st season was okay (just)... The 2nd season was terrible... The 3rd season was even more terrible than the second season. I will not be watching the 3rd season.

    February 16, 2023


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