The Sandman

  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Drama
  • Action & Adventure




  • FolioSwami

    Gaiman is good. I can't speak of the adaptation, as I could not be bothered to check out the comics. But, by current standards, the story is very good. It has holes, but overall the story goes smooth. I can see the roots of American Gods in The Sandman.

    The casting is good. The acting is smooth. The designs are beautiful, and I guess the merit goes to the artist that drew the comics.

    Most writers today just go one more. Like the mobster in Casino, if you attack the character with a knife, the character will bring a gun. Nothing special. Gaiman goes some place else. So bad he has given up writing. Take for example the fight in Episode 4. I have never seen something like that. I'm not saying it wasn't done, but it's different by current writing standards.

    August 8, 2022
  • Ditendra

    Story is very interesting. Soundtracks are great and special effects are beautiful, however woke culture agenda is ruining all the experience with its forced diversity and LGBT propaganda. Another thing I didn't like was death representation. Death is usually represented as a hooded male character with scythe which associates with fear, but in this TV show death is played by black female actress and she's smiling, laughing, joking and eating an apple. Come on! Do they even realize how stupid it all looks?

    August 18, 2022
  • Zugifilmofil

    Another show ruined by modern writers. Don't get me wrong, story is OK, acting is good and many more good things ruined by wokeness. That's why I gave it score 5/10, otherwise it wood be 8/10.

    December 26, 2022
  • DallasBob

    Very good special effects (for Streaming/TV viewing), and good story line with good characters. (wait for it...)

    TOO BAD, it's attached thoroughly to a sinisterly liberal wagon. If you don't know what I mean, just think of everything that ruins a show for someone who is NOT gay, overweight w/colored hair, body piercings, unconcealable tattoos, and insufferably annoying.

    I made it to the episode where the Sandman got his ruby back, but then I had to let the show go. That re-writing John Constatine into a self-serving closed minded assho-- I mean, gay woman in her late twenties, was abysmal. The diner scene was just as god-awful in writing, if not theme. I wasn't even happy when the Sandman finally got his ruby back; just relieve...

    December 30, 2022
  • Sejian

    Ignore the homophobic, racist and everyphobic reviews, but maybe also avoid this show.

    Neil Gaiman might be a good writer, but as with American Gods, the moment he gets involved with live-action adaptations, the quality apparently goes out the window. Kudos to him for defending the casting choices though.

    A few episodes from season 1 stand out, specifically episodes 1, 4, and 6. The rest are fine but just not worth it. The mid-season climax leaves a lot to be desired and apparently is so insignificant that it has no lasting impact on the world and no one bothers to mention it again. By the end I had lost so much interest in it that I didn't even bother to return for the bonus episode, and it allegedly has a cat. I love cats.

    The ca...

    November 16, 2023


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