CRISIS: Special Security Squad

  • Action & Adventure
  • Crime


Inami and Tamaru work at the Public Security Mobile Investigation Unit Special Investigation Team, a team made up of specialists with different expertise. Inami tackles criminals with showy maneuvers, while Tamaru corners criminals with cool calculation. Together, the team tackles terrorists, new religious cults, military spies, secret narcotics organisations and complicit politicians.



  • Kolchak707

    I think that the best way I can describe this squad is badass! These guys dont throw punches most times theyll throw a single punch & sayonara sucker, you know like IRL. American cop shows just cant touch this & from would just embarrass themselves trying if they did attempt to pay homage aka rip off the storyline. The depth of storytelling here is at times positively painfully human. Theres one scene in the very first episode that just clinched it for me and bang, right from that point I was hooked. Oh, youll know it when you see it alright. Anyway, Im simply blown away by the creativity, ingenuity and depth of each and every precious episode Watch it!

    February 12, 2022


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