
  • Drama
  • Crime

A whole new chapter in crime solving.

After a serial killer imitates the plots of his novels, successful mystery novelist Richard "Rick" Castle receives permission from the Mayor of New York City to tag along with an NYPD homicide investigation team for research purposes.




  • PolyWogg

    Richard Castle is a successful best-selling author, twice married and twice divorced, living in a spacious Manhattan condo with the single actress mother (Martha) who raised him and a bright teenage daughter (Alexis). He has money, toys, and rotating women, but hes bored. So bored in fact that he has killed off his best-selling character, Derrick Storm, a rogue prone to danger. Castles looking for something new.

    Enter Kate Beckett, a strong forceful female homicide detective. The fact that shes also hot is irrelevant to her, but not to Castle. A serial killer is committing murders and staging them to look like kills from Castles books, so Beckett needs to interview him. Hes all play, shes all business. She doesnt think that hes likely in...

    February 12, 2019
  • Arcanum101

    This is one of those series in which you don't really care too much about the stories you just love to follow the characters. Nathan Fillion is perfect as Castle. If you like it when you can't stop grinding right through a show this one's for you. Oh, you might want to think twice about watching the last season though. I don't know if the writers were handed a huge pay cut but, oh dear!

    May 9, 2023


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