Hotel Portofino

  • Drama


A classic whodunit mystery, as the characters go about their lives in 1920s Italy, when Benito Mussolini's brand of fascism was on the rise.



    • CocoSea

      What a lavish show is Hotel Portofino! If you love period shows, especially from the early 20th century, you may like this one. But, beware, PBS Masterpiece has become politicized and a bit depressing. Those of us who have enjoyed Masterpiece of the past and period film-TV, usually seek to move away from humin ugliness and the days politics. It is possible, when we do xplr humin ugliness, to do it in a way that doesnt look or feel ugly. Lets hope Portofino survives.

      PBS has changed; elegance is rarely experienced there anymore. Gone are the operas; gone is jazz from around the world; gone are the Nutcracker ballets; and gone is top talent and any hope of multiculturism. PBS is now mostly for those who wish to see only their as-i...

      December 25, 2023


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