365: Repeat the Year is an excellent show!
~ Please forgive any spelling errors. English is not my native language.
365: Repeat the Year had been on my "Plan to Watch" list for a while, but every time I asked myself, "What should I watch next?", I found myself watching a different show. I'm not sure why I thought I wouldn't like the show, but I just put it off.
Now I've finished watching it.
I'm glad I watched it.
365: Repeat the Year is an excellent show. Characters you start to love and hate, a kind of "Murder Mystery" or "Who done it?" and plot twists and turns that would make M. Night Shyamalan blush. I won't say anything more.
If you're unsure whether you should watch 365: Repeat the Year or not, then... WATCH IT!
~ Again, sorry for any possible errors.