- Toy Story1995
- Animation
- Adventure
- Family
- Comedy
- Monsters, Inc.2001
- Animation
- Comedy
- Family
- Despicable Me2010
- Animation
- Family
- Comedy
- Challengers2024
- Romance
- Drama
- Django Unchained2012
- Drama
- Western
- The Prestige2006
- Drama
- Mystery
- Science Fiction
- Batman Begins2005
- Action
- Crime
- Drama
- Creed II2018
- Drama
- Action
- Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron2002
- Animation
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Family
- Drama
- Western
- Romance
- Blade1998
- Horror
- Action
- Deck the Halls2006
- Comedy
- Family
- Pacific Rim: Uprising2018
- Action
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- Grease1978
- Romance
- Comedy
- The Angry Birds Movie2016
- Animation
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Family
- Underworld2003
- Fantasy
- Action
- Thriller
- The Angry Birds Movie 22019
- Animation
- Action
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Focus2015
- Romance
- Comedy
- Crime
- Underworld: Evolution2006
- Fantasy
- Action
- Thriller
- Showgirls1995
- Drama
- The Hating Game2021
- Drama
- Comedy
- Romance