- Taxi Driver1976
- Crime
- Drama
- Idiocracy2006
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- Eagle vs Shark2007
- Comedy
- Romance
- Clerks1994
- Comedy
- Super Size Me2004
- Documentary
- Fed Up2014
- Documentary
- Fast Food Nation2006
- Drama
- Comedy
- Home Fries1998
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- 100 Yen Love2014
- Drama
- Comedy
- Romance
- Munchies1987
- Comedy
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- McLibel2005
- Documentary
- Snackpocalypse2014
- Comedy
- Killer at Large2008
- Documentary
- Better Brain Health: We Are What We Eat2019
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Irresistible: Why We Can't Stop Eating2024
- Documentary
- Crime
- Drama
- Cheap Food2020
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Jamie's Sugar Rush2015
- Documentary
- Fingers on the Belly1988
- Drama
- Crazy Legs Conti: Zen and the Art of Competitive Eating2004
- Documentary
- Burger Wars: McDonalds vs Burger King2019
- Documentary