Super Size Me

  • Documentary

The first ever reality-based movie ... everything begins and ends in 30 days!

Morgan Spurlock subjects himself to a diet based only on McDonald's fast food three times a day for thirty days without exercising to try to prove why so many Americans are fat or obese. He submits himself to a complete check-up by three doctors, comparing his weight along the way, resulting in a scary conclusion.





  • SierraKiloBravo

    Click here for a video version of this review:

    When it first came out in 2004 Super Size Me was a hit due to its simple concept and exposé of the fast food industry, specifically McDonalds. To refresh your memory about this documentary classic, here is the official description:

    Morgan Spurlock subjects himself to a diet based only on McDonald's fast food three times a day for thirty days without exercising to try to prove why so many Americans are fat or obese. He submits himself to a complete check-up by three doctors, comparing his weight along the way, resulting in a scary conclusion.

    It is a pretty straightforward documentary, Spurlock films himself eating McDonald's for a month and intercuts th...

    April 27, 2020


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