- Herbie Rides Again1974
- Romance
- Comedy
- Family
- Fantasy
- Tekkonkinkreet2006
- Action
- Adventure
- Animation
- Undine2020
- Fantasy
- Drama
- Romance
- The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream2004
- Documentary
- The Noise2015
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Mountains2024
- Drama
- Radiant City2007
- Documentary
- Changing Landscapes1964
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- History
- Terry's Little Village2024
- Documentary
- History
- Places for the Soul1990
- Documentary
- Neighbor by Neighbor: Mobilizing an Invisible Community in Lewiston, Maine2009
- Documentary
- The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces1980
- Documentary
- Plán2014
- Documentary
- The New World2015
- Drama
- This is How the Obelisk Was Born1936
- Documentary
- Brick by Brick1982
- Documentary
- In Ictu Oculi2020
- Documentary
- Animation
- Ecumenopolis: City Without Limits2011
- Documentary
- Gut Renovation2013
- Documentary
- At Tourkovounia1982
- Documentary