
  • Fantasy
  • Drama
  • Romance


Undine is a historian and tour guide at the Berlin City Museum specializing in urban development, while Christoph is an industrial diver. Linked by a love of the water, the two form an intense bond, which can only do so much to help Undine overcome the considerable baggage of her former affair.




  • Geronimo1967

    Paula Beer is "Undine", holding down a rather mundane job lecturing on the historical urban development of Berlin. She is also suffering the final throes of her relationship with "Johannes" (Jacob Matschenz) whom she still loves. As with the original Paracelcus myth (upon which this is based), she must avenge herself on anyone who betrays her - and we gradually begin to understand that there is much more to her than meets the eye. An heavy rain shower is instrumental in introducing her to "Christoph" (Franz Rogowski) and she finds another love but when she disappears into a lake, he must search... It really does help if you have some familiarity with the story of the eponymous water nymph - otherwise much of this will seem disjointed. The u...

    April 4, 2022


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