- Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure2001
- Family
- Animation
- Romance
- Adventure
- Batch '811982
- Drama
- Thriller
- The Riot Club2014
- Drama
- Starry Eyes2014
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Mystery
- The Brotherhood IV: the Complex2005
- Horror
- The Wound2017
- Drama
- Always Say Yes2019
- Romance
- Death Tunnel2005
- Horror
- High Time1960
- Comedy
- The Skulls II2002
- Action
- Comedy
- Thriller
- One Dark Night1982
- Horror
- The Ornithologist2016
- Adventure
- Drama
- Mystery
- The Dunsmore Devil Worshippers1971
- Horror
- Documentary
- Acts of Death2007
- Horror
- The Pornographer2018
- Drama
- A Woman Possessed1975
- Horror
- Augustin1995
- Comedy
- From Zero to One2021
- Adventure
- Animation
- Fantasy
- Coven2019
- Horror
- Moon Rabbit2018
- Drama