Starry Eyes

  • Horror
  • Fantasy
  • Mystery

She would kill to be famous.

A hopeful young starlet uncovers the ominous origins of the Hollywood elite and enters into a deadly agreement in exchange for fame and fortune.




  • Wuchak

    Into the diabolical abyss of Hollywood

    A young woman in Los Angeles works at Big Taters (Alexandra Essoe) while trying to land a role in a cutting edge film. Is she willing to pay the unspoken price for fame and wealth?

    For the first hour, Starry Eyes (2014) is a drama with droll humor, but it slowly morphs into psychological horror in the manner of Rosemarys Baby before taking a body horror turn with slasher elements. So, the set-up mixes Hollywood Boulevard and Rosemarys Baby, but the flick evolves into something along the lines of Lillith (2019).

    Unlike Lillith, which had technical deficiencies, this ones proficiently made, just marred by a muted palette (which was also the case with Lillith). Fabianne Therese stands out o...

    September 4, 2024


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