- Terror Train1980
- Horror
- Thriller
- Blackway2015
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Ratter2015
- Drama
- Horror
- Thriller
- The Houses October Built2014
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mockingbird2014
- Horror
- Thriller
- In Fear2013
- Thriller
- You May Not Kiss the Bride2011
- Action
- Crime
- Comedy
- Romance
- Babysitter Wanted2007
- Horror
- Thriller
- Gigantic2008
- Comedy
- Romance
- Amusement2008
- Horror
- Mystery
- Happiness1998
- Comedy
- Drama
- The Return2006
- Horror
- Drama
- Thriller
- Black Sabbath1963
- Horror
- Irresistible2006
- Drama
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Terkel in Trouble2004
- Animation
- Comedy
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Satan's Little Helper2005
- Horror
- Comedy
- The House on Sorority Row1982
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- A Blade in the Dark1983
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Opening Night1977
- Drama
- Cop1988
- Crime
- Drama
- Mystery
- Thriller