Babysitter Wanted

  • Horror
  • Thriller

No experience necessary...

When she takes a job babysitting a young boy for a night at his family's remote farmhouse, sweet college co-ed Angie Albright becomes the target of a scar-covered creep making mysterious phone calls and prowling outside the windows. Angie gets the drop on the would-be killer, but quickly discovers that her nightmare has just begun.




  • JPV852

    Had its moments I guess but tonally uneven with the first half a standard horror-thriller while the second half was more supernatural horror. I think under a more experienced director, with some rewrites to the screenplay, could've made for an entertaining flick but instead it's choppy editing with some gross horror thrown in toward the end. I will say at least the lead Sarah Thompson was alright. 2.5/5

    June 19, 2024


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