- Forest spirit2025
- Adventure
- Horror
- Documentary
- Badder Ben: The Final Chapter2017
- Horror
- Bad Ben 2: Steelmanville Road2017
- Horror
- Comedy
- Bad Ben: The Way In2019
- Horror
- Comedy
- The Unbinding2023
- Documentary
- Horror
- Thriller
- Hide-and-Never Seek2016
- Horror
- Harland Manor2021
- Horror
- The Sleepless Unrest: The Real Conjuring Home2021
- Documentary
- Horror
- Mystery
- Streamer2023
- Horror
- Mystery
- Crime
- The House in Sherwood2020
- Horror
- Thriller
- A Haunting on Washington Avenue: The Temple Theatre2014
- Horror
- Documentary
- Drama
- A Haunting in Saginaw, Michigan2013
- Horror
- Documentary
- Drama
- Shelby Oaks2025
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Los Muértimer2025
- Comedy
- Horror
- Mystery
- Family
- Bad Ben 8: Pandemic2020
- Horror
- Comedy
- The Investigation: A Haunting in Sherwood2020
- Horror
- Spookt2023
- Horror
- The Casebook of Eddie Brewer2012
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- A Haunting on Hamilton Street2010
- Documentary
- Drama
- Horror
- Chichibu Demon2011
- Horror
- Mystery