Paranormal Captivity

  • Drama
  • Horror
  • Thriller

Fear the Dead, Fear the Living

After the death of her husband, a penniless woman moves into the home of her Uncle. Strange things begin to occur. Is the house haunted or is it something more?




  • DDPhilly

    Minor Spoilers

    WOW!! Paranormal Captivity tells the story of Sarah. She loses her husband, her home and most of her money. That forces her to move in with her creepy old Uncle. A psychotic debt collector is after her and she's being stalked. Is it by ghosts or a crazy funeral director?

    There are three story lines in Paranormal Captivity that are all related to the unfortunate Sarah (Caitlyn Fletcher). Sarah and Thomas the debt collector (Roberto Lombardi), Sarah and the funeral director (Edward X. Young) and Sarah and the ghosts/Uncle Steven (Samuel L.M. Cole).

    The three stories seem unrelated, but intersect at the end of the film where there is a big plot twist and reveal! It's all very well thought out and leads the viewer ...

    February 13, 2015


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