- Loan Shark1952
- Crime
- Drama
- Lightning Strikes Twice1951
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Crime
- Drama
- The Raging Tide1951
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- The Big Bluff1955
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- The Long Arm1956
- Mystery
- Crime
- Thriller
- The Long Memory1953
- Crime
- Thriller
- The Lady Confesses1945
- Drama
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Crime
- The Money Trap1965
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- Backlash1947
- Crime
- Mystery
- Street of Chance1942
- Drama
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Time Table1956
- Crime
- Strange Illusion1945
- Thriller
- Mystery
- The Glass Web1953
- Crime
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Edge of Doom1950
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- Nightmare1956
- Crime
- Crashout1955
- Crime
- Abandoned1949
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Murder Is My Beat1955
- Mystery
- Crime
- The Woman in Question1950
- Mystery
- Crime
- Drama
- Calcutta1946
- Crime
- Drama