- Men in Black1997
- Action
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial1982
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- Family
- Fantasy
- Lifeforce1985
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Romance
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Men in Black II2002
- Action
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- The Abyss1989
- Adventure
- Action
- Thriller
- Science Fiction
- Outlander2008
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Mars Attacks!1996
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind1977
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- The Day the Earth Stood Still1951
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Drama
- Forbidden Planet1956
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- Planet 512009
- Animation
- Family
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- Flight of the Navigator1986
- Family
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- And Did They Listen?2015
- Documentary
- The Cabbage Soup1981
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Godzilla 2000: Millennium1999
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Iron Sky2012
- Action
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton2015
- Documentary
- The Thing from Another World1951
- Drama
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Earth vs. the Flying Saucers1956
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Invaders from Mars1953
- Science Fiction
- Horror